Friday, June 20, 2008

Dude, Your Bitch Is Crazy

So how come guys like to date bitches that are crazy? And I don't mean not just date, but like, make them their girl and shit. All kinds of pussy whipped on a bitch that quite honestly is gonna kill you in your sleep.

One time, I dated a guy who complained about his ex to me nonstop-which, in retrospect is a red flag. She was living off of him and lazy. When he was finally over it, he broke up with her and soon after started dating me. She showed up one evening at his door and he let her in. She proceeded to get all crazy eyes on him, flipped his house upside down, Mike Tysoned his ear and got arrested by the cops.

That morning, as soon as he could, he bailed her out of jail.

That morning, as soon as I could, I broke up with him.

Soon after, they got back together.

Right before Charlie, I dated another guy who had a restraining order on his girlfriend. A FORMAL RESTRAINING ORDER. Despite this, she'd still show up at his door and get around the security of the house he lived in, and I'd have to tiptoe around our relationship like I was the other woman. When I started dating Charlie, I stopped seeing him, and soon after, THEY got back together too.

Part of me tells me that being with me is so bad that being with a psychotic is a walk in the park.

The other part of me tells me that the fellas like their bitches a little bit touched in the head.

It's almost across the board. The finer the broad, the more insecure she is, the more sprung your ass is, the more she thinks you're cheating all the time, the more you can't even have a proper bachelor party with strippers for your wedding, the more crazy she is gonna be despites your attempts at pacifying her, the more you can't have chicks for friends, the more you can't even bro down with the homies, the more she's gonna threaten suicide every time you two get in a fight, the more likely you're gonna end up dead and in an episode of Dateline titled "That Dude's Bitch Was Crazy."

One time, I was on the other side of this conversation where I was consoling the crazy bitch. She monopolized my whole weekend crying about how it was REALLY over this time with her boyfriend cos "it got physical" (and those are quotes.) I was swearing I'd kill the dude all up and down town for touching a woman which she didn't react to, of course. When they got back together at the 49th hour after our 48-hour non-stop consolation session, I was like WTF!

As it turns out in a little language called crazese "It got physical" meant, I beat my boyfriends' ass in the middle of the street in front of all his neighbors cos he was too tired to let me come to his house when TO ME being a girlfriend means I should be invited anytime I want to so when I showed up and he wouldn't let me in I caused a scene in the front of his house until he came to the door where I subsequently beat him up.

Now? They live together. Because, of course, that kind of behaviour is perfectly acceptable and, admit it, crazy is just a little bit sexy.


Cinemantics said...

You are hilarious. Why is it that I don't know anyone with this kind of drama? I guess I just don't put up with dramatic people.

Unknown said...

Beautiful. Intelligent. Sane.

Choose only two.