Wednesday, October 18, 2006

In an attempt to get people to STOP coming to me with their so-called crisis only to not listen to sage advice or become defensive when I shoot from the hip and for those who are secretly just looking for an audience to say "Hey Buddy. You're A-OK. You're awesome and all that good stuff with a dollop of Cool Whip," I've registered my latest domain.

Nothing is up on it right now, but I'm thinking of doing a couple of things with it. I'm also taking advice on how to execute it properly.

1) List all the new ridiculous things that people come to me about, my advice and how that advice was or was not applied and the outcome.

2) Make it a shoot from the hip advice column leaving it open for people to chime in with their own advice people won't follow.

3) Create sections like:
    The world is conspiring against me
    Girls who can't get along with other girls
    The other (wo)man
    My  (boy)girlfriend neglects, cheats on, beats, yells at and/or doesn't satisfy me, but I'd rather stay here perpetually agonizing about it 
    I'm a martyr
    I wanna die
    I need to be the center of attention for all
    I sleep with every (wo)man I meet
    Every (wo)man I meet is in love with me
    (S)he's not my (wo)man but we're in love, they said it on a text message. 
    I'm perpetually broke
    I'm clinically depressed but I don't want to take meds, or talk to a shrink or be proactive, I'd rather lay on the floor in a pool of my own self worthlessness and bleak unsolvableness.

Each section will contain lovely stories and advice dispensed on each topic. Oh how we've cried while we've lived thru these stories. But now I can just send people directly to a specific section in my website and save me a lot of trouble and help friends know that they're not alone in their "crisis." I'll set it up like how it is in Citysearch and we can put some kind of ticker in there to indicate how many times this advice was followed with a vote-y thing saying "Did you find this advice helpful?"

Suffice it to say, all names with be changed to protect the self indulgent.

Anyway, this is not directed to ANY ONE person. Seriously, I know since a lot of my friends are very sensitive, they'll take it personally, but when the site is up, please reference "The world is conspiring against me." It'll say, "Not everything is about you."


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